Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mr. Valentine

I can't say that Jason and I were ever that much into Valentine's day. Maybe he would disagree (especially after the year I was upset that he didn't get me flowers! ... but he did, just later then expected. Yikes!)

We would usually go out to dinner. Not even on the actual date as we didn't want to get 'mixed up' in the same old usual 'Valentine's night dinner crowd'.

Now, it seems different. I can't say that it wasn't hard to get to this place, but we are finally figuring out what it is (and what it feels like) to be the couple we are - and parents. Thats a tough one. Our world does revolve around Ruby a lot of times, but it seems like the quality time we've started to eek and sneak out really is - quality.

So, as another Valentine's day comes and goes - here is my tribute to my one and only Valentine. We'll be married for 5 years this April.

My Hot husband on our honeymoon - Punta Cana, DR

The goofball I love and NEED in my life.

The marathon runner I so respect (and am so proud of)

My fellow adventurer

The Daddy I cherish

Yep. Thats my guy.

Although we have had our tough times, I can't imagine going through this life with anyone but you.

Much love

Friday, February 05, 2010


ok, ok... at the risk of sounding just like everyone else championing for 'change!' - let me first clarify.

When I started this blog, it was about my family - Ruby, Jason, our two crazy dogs. A way to keep in touch with others. A peek into our lives (for those of you who want to actually take that peek!) and now... As I have obviously NOT been diligently updating; I must be honest about something.

First, let me preface with the fact (yes actual FACT) that I love my life. My husband is my best friend, love of my life, fellow troublemaker and peacekeeper. Ruby is an absolute delight. Even after the disciplining and sleepless nights, her delightfulness (and delight in the world around her) never ceases to amaze and awe me. It's fun; she's fun. I love it.

But, I must also say, that all of this - well change (and here we are getting to the point) - has undeniably changed me. Mostly for the good, and sometimes ... not... Unfortunately, I've let myself forget, at times, who I am. And, very importantly, who I want to be. That's not to say that I don't strive to be the best mom or wife anyone could hope for. I do. I just get caught up in the mundane dish washing, laundry folding, meal making details of life and sometimes, I even hide there. Sometimes, although not the most fun option, it can be easier. Not to be forced to live up to my own standards of myself. Not to remember the dreams I once had and to just be caught in the here and now of picking up toys. So, in the midst of all of this, I also want to be the best 'me' I could hope for (along with the best wife and mom).

And this is where my blogging world comes back into play...

I will turn 30 this year. (gasp!) And it makes me certainly think about a lot of things. No, I'm not afraid of growing older, just reflective on who I am and what I seem to be doing with this life of mine. So as my year, and my life, continues to bring major change, I will hold myself accountable by documenting it all here. Hopefully, I will find some of the good 'change' I've been striving for as well.

So here is to the last 8 months of my 20's! :)

Talk soon.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Oh Baby!

Right before Ruby was born, I decided to make her a little shirt to wear coming home from the hospital. I just couldn't find the right thing in stores, and I wanted something with her name, so making one seemed like the perfect thing to do! Since then, I've made quite a few designs and personalized shirts, tees and onesies as gifts. You can even see my stuff on Esty!

I've decided to donate all of the proceeds from these little gifts to Breast Cancer research. As many of you know, I'm walking 60 miles in 3 days (with my sister) during the Breast Cancer 3-Day event. We're both raising 2,500 (each) and I'm determined to make sure I hit (and hopefully exceed) my goal! 

check out my photos or view my Etsy store to get involved: APocketFullofRubys

this is like the first one I made, only bigger for her growing little body!

...and Ruby wearing it

A buggy tie for boys

fun flowers

back detail

So, if you're looking for that one-of-a-kind gift for someone, I'd be happy to supply you with a unique gift. I'm exciting to be using my talent to raise money for a worthy cause.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

One more quick thing...

Ruby developed a new 'skill' while in Tennessee. Not exactly sure what she's doing... but she sure enjoys it! 

The funny thing is...  She started doing it in the water during Swim & Gym class. Ruby gets a face full of water every time and doesn't mind. She keeps going back for more! :)
Tennessee Livin'

Last week, Ruby and I took a trip with Grandma and Grandpa Sivyer to visit Aunt Jenny, Uncle Scott and Angus. Although we brought an unpleasant gift to all (a nasty cold!) hopefully they've forgiven us since we all had such a nice time!

here are some quick snapshots of our time there:

Ruby on our trip down: ROAD TRIP!

Ruby and her new shoes

Angus loved being on the floor with Ruby.. and Ruby LOVED Angus.

being tickled by Grandpa

reading before bed with Grandma

We had SUCH a nice time with family. We can't wait to do it again!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Gymin & Swimmin

Last Saturday, May 2nd, was our first Gym and Swim class with Ruby! We've been anxiously waiting for her first class at the YMCA just down the street. (now that I found our camera's battery charger - we can go back to blogging and posting pictures!) 

The Gym portion was first. We sang songs and Ruby especially LOVED laying under the parachute while we waved it up and down and sang. She was the youngest in the class, but that didn't stop her from having fun. 

her personality comes through more and more

we had to help with the see saw

I think I may be the most excited....

Jason and I both felt that, although the 'Gym' portion was pretty fun.... That it was just what you had to go through to finally get to the pool. They sang songs in the pool, jumped from the side and even did the "Motor Boat" song - with all the motions. (which is one of my personal favs!) Ruby was a natural. She didn't even mind getting water in her face from all of her splashing! Looks like we have a little fishy on our hands... 


Jason went in the pool with her first

swimmy swimmy!

See ya next time!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Dear Annabel:

The television is not a window. really. It's not. I know you often see dogs, trees... or even people 'pass by' on that screen, but you don't need to worry. They are not actually IN your house. 

I understand. Your main job is border patrol. You and Edgrr make sure that no one is within a certain distance of our house. No dogs, cats or squirrels are allowed. That means you too Mr. Robin. You are doing a phenomenal job.. so I think you can relax a little and trust me on this one. You don't need to charge the TV, grumble or cry. As quickly as they appear on screen, they are usually gone. 

In the meantime, you are forcing Jason and I to find movies, shows and even commercials, without dogs in them. The bacon strips commercial drives you crazy, and us too. We're hoping there will soon be reviews for movies about the amount of dogs or barking included. Apparently, any movie wishing to be suspenseful or scary has an ominous dog barking in the background. We found this out the hard way.

So please, little Annabel, trust me when I tell you that the TV is not a window.

Most lovingly,

Amy, Jason & Ruby.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

A Golden Night (and Wintry Day)

Back to my usual 'perky' morning person self (thanks to some normal sleep last night), I've decided to check a few things off my to-do list. My mom calls these 'Golden Nights', or at least started to when we first brought Ruby home. ("Was it a Golden night last night?"). I think the description is right on. 

As some of you know, I will be participating in Cleveland's Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk for the Cure. If you received my email (and better yet, if you read it!), you know that it includes some pretty extensive training. This weekend, I walked (and partly ran) 6 miles. Whoa. I seem to vacillate between thinking that this will be a pretty easy task (its just walking!) and feeling daunted by what I've decided to do (its walking 60 MILES). This weekend's workout pretty much drove that home. 

My sister and I will be walking this together - and I'm SO thankful for that. I really don't think I could do it without her. She's been the spearhead of this whole thing and is pretty inspirational with how much she's been sticking to her training (as opposed to me at this point). 

If you're familiar with this event, you know that I need to raise a pretty sizable amount of money to participate. Along with paying for my 'lodging' (read: tenting), it ensures that there will actually be money raised for Breast Cancer research, education, and (hopefully very soon) elimination. 

You can check out my personal site through the link on the left. It explains why I am participating in the event, as well as how you can help. 

I'm planning on mapping out a great new tee or onesie (or both) to sell on Etsy. All proceeds will benefit the Susan G Komen foundation and will be added to my donation. So check back for updates on that too! 

As I look outside at the winter wonderland, my training seems a little more daunting. Although the event is only 17 weeks away, its feels like the end of July will take forever to arrive. I know it will be here sooner then I expect, so I'm taking a page out of  my sisters book and I'm trying a little water aerobics tonight. Pray my other classmates won't be too afraid of this post-baby, bathing-suit-wearing body.